Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring! (kinda)

I've started my lettuce garden! Lettuce is a cool weather crop, but due to Indiana having crazy snow storms in April and the fact that there is about 9 feet of M U D everywhere, I was unable to start my lettuce garden in the beautiful garden box that Other built.

However, with the handy help of a 3 year old and some egg cartons, we're starting the garden in the house. I received some seeds from an amazing gardener. He said "It's lettuce." I have no idea what kind, other than the romaine strips that he gave me. Romaine seeds often come embedded in these clothy-papery strips. I planted them in the top part of the egg carton.

Once my seedlings are big enough and I'm sure it won't snow again, I'll transplant them into their proper home. The best part about lettuce is that it's great early in the spring, but gets very bitter during the summer. I'll rip it out come June, plant some corn and green beans, and then rip those out in late September and plant some fall lettuce to have all the way through November (snow pending, of course!).

We'll see how it works! I, and my tortoise, are ready for some fresh lettuce!

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